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Tag: Lecithin

Choosing the Right Nutrients for your Heart Health

When choosing your brand of nutritional supplement, it is good to know which part of your health or body you want to focus on. If you want to show your heart some love, here are some HEART NUTRIENTS to look for in choosing your supplement:

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been shown to reduce blood viscosity and prevent fatty acid oxidation. This helps prevent cholesterol plaque formation in the blood vessels that can potentially block arteries in the heart, which may later lead to a heart attack. Studies show that consuming Vitamin E-rich food is associated with lower risk for coronary heart disease in middle-aged to older men and women.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Don’t let the “fat” in “fatty acid” mislead you. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are good for your heart health. Also known as fish oil or EPA and DHA, these are your healthy fatty acids found in fish. If you look at some of the experts’ recommendations for cardiovascular health, you may see omega-3 fatty acids as part of the treatment in lowering bad cholesterol. A daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent cholesterol build-up thereby decreasing the risk of heart attacks especially for the elderly population.

Co-Q10 or Coenzyme-Q10

Co-Q10, both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient, has been studied for its use on coronary heart disease. Some researchers reported that daily supplementation with Co-Q10 helped in lowering elevated blood pressure. Recent findings have shown that Co-Q10 helps improve the performance or functional capacity of the heart.


Some supplements provide Lecithin because of its cholesterol-busting properties. Also known as phosphatidylcholine, lecithin is reported to support liver health. It plays an important role in metabolizing cholesterol, thus helping against cholesterol build-up and plaque formation that could lead to coronary artery disease.


Vitamin B9 or Folate is not only for expectant mothers, but also for those who want to reduce their risk for heart disease. Folate helps lower homocysteine, an important risk factor in artery wall thickening. Hence, adequate folate intake may help prevent homocysteine accumulation in the blood, and lowers your risk for stroke and coronary heart disease. If you want the benefits of folate, don’t forget to spot “Folic Acid” in your supplement’s list of ingredients.


Considered as a trace mineral, magnesium is shown to be important in keeping a healthy heart rhythm. Some studies have reported that low magnesium level has been linked to several risk factors that could lead to heart disease such as high blood pressure, increase in cholesterol build-up and hardening of the arteries.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a well-known potent antioxidant and great for your immune system. But do you know that Vitamin C is also good for your heart? Researchers found out that intake of Vitamin C is linked to a reduced risk for heart disease because of its ability to help lower heart disease risk factors, including high blood levels triglycerides and LDL, known as the bad cholesterol.

Lycopene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that provides the red color in your fresh tomatoes. Lycopene provides protection for the heart by lowering blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure which are both risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Some emerging studies suggest the potential roles of lutein and zeaxanthin in supporting cardiovascular health. Lutein has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects on the heart by decreasing inflammation. It was said to resolve chronic inflammation in coronary arteries of patients. Results of studies also suggested that lutein may help prevent clogging of the neck arteries. Zeaxanthin reduces blood vessel stiffness and protects the blood vessels against atherosclerosis.

It must be remembered though that these nutrients may only help lower the risk for heart disease and must be combined with other healthy lifestyle practices such as proper diet and exercise.

If you have existing heart problems or symptoms, it would be best to consult your doctor on the proper supplements that you should take. Listen to your doctor’s advice and take the right nutrients for your heart.

Polynerv E with Lecithin Tablet

22 nutrients, 1 tablet. Polynerv E with Lecithin is SV More’s premier dietary supplement specially formulated for the demanding lifestyle. Polynerv E with Lecithin’s wide array of vitamins, minerals, and special nutrients, including the heart nutrients CoQ10 and Omega-3 fatty acids, offers multiple health benefits:

Heart health 

Lecithin, CoQ10, Ginseng, Omega-3 fatty acids along with other special ingredients help promote healthy heart and blood circulation.

Brain and nerve health 

Six B-Vitamins for optimum nerve health, along with Lecithin and Korean Ginseng, help make sure that your mind is kept sharp and alert.

Energy boost

B Vitamins, CoQ10, Ginseng and many other nutrients keep you going all day.

Antioxidant and immune system support 

Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium and other nutrients such as Lecithin and CoQ10 help strengthen your body’s natural defense against infection. 

Eye health and glowing skin   

Vitamins A and E, Beta-Carotene, Zinc along with the colorful nutrients, Lutein and Zeaxanthin help promote healthy eyesight and make you look great with glowing skin.

Aminobrain Tablet

Aminobrain Tablet 

Your brain and body need more than just vitamins and minerals. Get more benefits with Aminobrain tablet that offers a broad formula of 32 active ingredients, including Essential Amino Acids, the “building blocks” of life, and special nutrients such as Taurine and Lecithin.

Tissue Growth and Repair

Essential Amino Acids, as the building blocks of proteins, are vital for tissue growth and repair. They act together with Vitamins A, C, D and E, to ensure proper production of various body proteins such as muscle, bones, hormones, antibodies, blood elements, and neurotransmitters.

Enhanced mental function

The special nutrients, Lecithin and Taurine are known for their mental-boosting properties to keep your brain function sharp and focused.

Antioxidant protection and immunity

Vitamins A, C, and E, together with the minerals zinc and selenium, act together to support the immune system and fight against the cell-damaging effects of pollutants and free radicals. 

Healthy nerves

The nourishing effects of B vitamins help promote nerve health.

Healthy eyesight

Vitamin A supports eye health and helps maintain good vision.